Contacts in OnPage represent individual users who can receive messages, alerts, and notifications. Each contact has specific attributes that can be managed through the OnPage interface.
Creating a Contact
- Navigate to the Contacts tab.
- Click Create Contact.
- Fill in the required fields:
- OnPage ID (Unique identifier for the contact)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Alias (Optional display name)
- Phone Number
- Groups (Assign the contact to one or multiple groups)
- Configure additional settings:
- Secure Messaging: Enables encrypted messaging for the contact.
- If you attempt to disable secure messaging, a confirmation prompt appears stating: “If you are a healthcare customer, a redundancy to IVR, email, or SMS is not HIPAA compliant.” Users must acknowledge this warning before proceeding.
- Send Redundancy: Options to send messages via Email, SMS, IVR with a configurable delay (e.g., in 30 minutes).
- Always Send Message Copy: Ensures a copy of messages is always sent via Email or IVR.
- Data Retention Policy: Allows selection of a retention period:
- Read/Receipt
- 1 Month
- 6 Months
- 1 Year
- Unlimited
- Export Data via Email: Provides an option to export all communication data via email.
- Send Mail Statuses: Enables notifications regarding message delivery statuses.
- Send WCTP Statuses By Email: Allows users to receive Web Call Transport Protocol status notifications.
- Secure Messaging: Enables encrypted messaging for the contact.
- Click Submit to save the contact.
Managing Contacts
- Contacts can be edited or removed using the Edit and Remove Contacts options.
- The contact list displays online/offline status, alias, email, phone number, and assigned groups.
- You can search for contacts using the Search bar at the top.
- Bulk contact upload is available via the Upload Contacts option.
Bulk Uploading Contacts
- Navigate to the Upload Contacts section.
- Prepare a CSV file with the following comma-delimited fields:
- First Name (Required)
- Last Name (Required)
- Email Address (Required)
- Phone Number
- OPID (Optional, auto-generated if empty)
- Secondary Email
- Email Redundancy (true or 1 to enable)
- Email Message Copy (true or 1 to enable)
- Send Mail Statuses (true or 1 to enable)
- If OPID is not provided, it will be automatically generated using:
- Account first name, last name, and optional prefix, pre-suffix, and suffix values.
- Upload the CSV file and click Next to review.
- Confirm the details and proceed to import the contacts.
Groups allow users to categorize contacts for streamlined messaging and escalation processes.
Creating a Group
- Navigate to the Contacts tab.
- Click Create Group.
- Enter the following details:
- Name (Unique identifier for the group)
- Description (Optional group details)
- OnPage ID (Unique identifier for group communication)
- (Optional) Enable Escalation for failover messaging.
- Configure escalation settings:
- Failover Interval: Determines the time between escalation attempts.
- Failover Factor: Defines the escalation trigger based on the following factors:
- Delivered: Message must be delivered before escalation occurs.
- Read: Message must be read before escalation occurs.
- Replied: Message must be replied to before escalation occurs.
- Failover OPIDs: Specifies the contacts or groups to receive escalated messages.
- Specify additional settings:
- Fail Report Email: Designates an email address to receive failure notifications.
- Include Original Message: Ensures the original message content is included in fail reports.
- Click Submit to create the group.
Managing Groups
- Groups can be edited or deleted from the Contacts tab.
- Contacts can be assigned to or removed from groups as needed.
- Escalation rules can be adjusted to ensure proper alert handling.
Best Practices
- Use Groups to organize contacts based on roles, teams, or escalation levels.
- Enable Escalation for critical alerts requiring redundancy.
- Ensure contacts have updated phone numbers and email addresses.
- Regularly review and update group assignments to reflect organizational changes.
- Utilize Secure Messaging for sensitive communication.
- Set Failover Intervals and Factors carefully to optimize response times.