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Okta SSO

On Okta side

Login to Okta account.

One the left side menu choose Applications.

OnPage Okta SSO Dispatcher

Click on Create App Integration button

In opened dialog choose SAML 2.0
XML-based open standard for SSO. Use if the Identity Provider for your application only supports SAML.

In General Settings step put OnPage as App name.

OnPage Okta SSO Dispatcher

You can optionally upload OnPage icon. To download OnPage logo click here

Click Next button.

To the right of this page, under OnPage Settings, copy and paste to the form Single sign on URL and Audience URI.

Check off Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL.

Set Name ID format to EmailAddress

Set Application username to Email

OnPage Okta SSO Dispatcher

Click Next button.

Choose I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app and click Finish

OnPage Okta SSO Dispatcher

To end configuration click on View Setup Instructions button

OnPage Okta SSO Dispatcher

Copy Identity Provider Single Sign-On URLIdentity Provider Issuer and X.509 Certificate on this form and paste it under Okta Settings on the OnPage integration portal and click Install.

OnPage Okta SSO Dispatcher